Type 640 Fractional
Tools - Drills - Stub Length Drills - Stub Length Drills with 118° Standard Point

Chip ClassMaterial MachinedTool Type
60CAST IRONS641 / 640


  • Stub length - 118º standard point
  • Carbide tip high temperature brazed to hardened tool steel body
  • Smooth flutes for effective chip flow
  • Precision ground to insure concentricity of tip & body
  • All dimensional & element tolerances conform to one of:
    ASME/ANSI B94.11M
    ISO - International Organization for Standardization
    NAS 907 - National Aerospace Standards
    USCTI - United States Cutting Tool Institute (formerly MCTI)


  • Modified tool diameter
  • Modified metric tool diameter
  • Modified point and / or angle
  • Reduced shank diameter
  • Flat(s) on shank
  • Tanged shank
Coatings available:


  • For exact location shallow drilling
  • Excellent starting drill
  • Often used in CND machining centers
  • Short length results in a very rigid and sturdy drill
Decimal DiameterFractional DiameterTool Diameter MmFlute LengthFlute Length MmOverall LengthOverall Length MmShank DiameterWire LetterEDPPrice
0.18904.81 3/16302 1/4571264212 $32.70
0.18504.71 1/8292 3/16561364213 $32.95
0.413023 3/8Z64426 $61.95
0.36801 13/163 1/8U64421 $42.35
0.37701 7/83 1/4V64422 $54.50
0.38601 7/83 1/4W64423 $48.05
0.39701 15/163 5/16X64424 $48.05
0.40401 15/163 5/16Y64425 $54.50
0.32301 11/162 15/16P64416 $46.75
0.33201 11/163Q64417 $41.15
0.33901 11/163R64418 $41.15
0.34801 3/43 1/16S64419 $47.25
0.35801 3/43 1/16T64420 $47.25
0.28101 1/22 11/16K64411 $37.80
0.29001 9/162 3/4L64412 $39.00
0.29501 9/162 3/4M64413 $39.00
0.30201 5/82 13/16N64414 $44.70
0.31601 11/162 15/16O64415 $41.15
0.25701 7/162 5/8F64406 $33.45
0.26101 7/162 5/8G64407 $33.45
0.26601 1/22 11/16H64408 $32.35
0.27201 1/22 11/16I64409 $33.45
0.27701 1/22 11/16J64410 $37.80
0.23401 5/162 7/16A64401 $32.70
0.23801 3/82 1/2B64402 $32.70
0.24201 3/82 1/2C64403 $32.70
0.24601 3/82 1/2D64404 $28.75
0.11607/81 7/83264232 $26.25
0.144012 1/162764227 $27.80
0.140515/161 15/162864228 $27.80
0.136015/161 15/162964229 $27.80
0.128515/161 15/163064230 $27.80
0.12007/81 7/83164231 $26.25
0.15701 1/162 1/82264222 $27.80
0.154012 1/162364223 $27.80
0.152012 1/162464224 $27.80
0.149512 1/162564225 $27.80
0.147012 1/162664226 $27.80
0.17301 1/82 3/161764217 $32.95
0.16951 1/162 1/81864218 $32.30
0.16601 1/162 1/81964219 $32.30
0.16101 1/162 1/82064220 $32.30
0.15901 1/162 1/82164221 $27.80
0.19351 3/162 1/41064210 $32.70
0.19101 3/162 1/41164211 $32.70
0.18201 1/82 3/161464214 $32.95
0.18001 1/82 3/161564215 $32.95
0.17701 1/82 3/161664216 $32.95
0.20551 1/42 3/8564205 $32.95
0.20401 1/42 3/8664206 $32.95
0.20101 3/162 1/4764207 $28.75
0.19901 3/162 1/4864208 $32.70
0.19601 3/162 1/4964209 $32.70
0.22801 5/162 7/16164201 $28.75
0.22101 5/162 7/16264202 $32.70
0.21301 1/42 3/8364203 $28.75
0.20901 1/42 3/8464204 $32.95
1.25001 1/44 3/86 3/4164080 $317.25
1.09381 3/3246 3/8164070 $303.05
1.12501 1/846 3/8164072 $259.90
1.15621 5/324 1/46 5/8164074 $369.90
1.18751 3/164 1/46 5/8164076 $317.25
1.21881 7/324 3/86 3/4164078 $369.90
0.968831/323 7/85 7/864062 $186.60
0.984463/644664063 $218.00
1.000014664064 $186.90
1.03121 1/3246 1/4164066 $273.15
1.06251 1/1646 1/4164068 $234.05
0.890657/643 5/85 5/864057 $184.30
0.906229/323 5/85 5/864058 $176.70
0.921959/643 3/45 3/464059 $206.15
0.937515/163 3/45 3/464060 $176.90
0.953161/643 7/85 7/864061 $206.15
0.812513/163 3/85 1/464052 $150.25
0.828153/643 1/25 3/864053 $171.60
0.843827/323 1/25 3/864054 $164.40
0.859455/643 1/25 1/264055 $192.15
0.87507/83 1/25 1/264056 $164.80
0.734447/643 1/8564047 $146.25
0.75003/43 1/8564048 $121.50
0.765649/643 1/45 1/864049 $156.45
0.781225/323 1/45 1/864050 $150.05
0.796951/643 3/85 1/464051 $175.05
0.656221/322 7/84 1/264042 $104.05
0.671943/642 7/84 5/864043 $129.20
0.687511/162 7/84 5/864044 $106.90
0.703145/6434 3/464045 $146.05
0.718823/3234 3/464046 $121.05
0.578137/642 5/84 1/864037 $105.55
0.593819/322 5/84 1/864038 $86.55
0.609439/642 3/44 1/464039 $105.55
0.62505/82 3/44 1/464040 $86.55
0.640641/642 7/84 1/264041 $126.05
0.50001/22 1/43 3/464032 $60.60
0.515633/642 3/83 7/864033 $90.40
0.531217/322 3/83 7/864034 $75.50
0.546935/642 1/2464035 $90.40
0.56259/162 1/2464036 $75.50
0.421927/6423 3/864027 $46.10
0.43757/162 1/163 7/1664028 $44.50
0.453129/642 1/83 9/1664029 $59.30
0.468815/322 1/83 5/864030 $63.30
0.484431/642 3/163 11/1664031 $56.75
0.343811/321 11/16364022 $34.30
0.359423/641 3/43 1/1664023 $37.35
0.37503/81 13/163 1/864024 $35.10
0.390625/641 7/83 1/464025 $41.60
0.406213/321 15/163 5/1664026 $41.60
0.265617/641 7/162 5/864017 $29.15
0.28129/321 1/22 11/1664018 $27.60
0.296919/641 9/162 3/464019 $33.45
0.31255/161 5/82 13/1664020 $29.40
0.328121/641 11/162 15/1664021 $36.30
0.18753/161 1/82 3/1664012 $21.90
0.203113/641 3/162 1/464013 $28.40
0.21887/321 1/42 3/864014 $23.60
0.234415/641 5/162 7/1664015 $26.15
0.25001/41 3/82 1/2E64016 $24.00
0.12501/87/81 7/864008 $19.70
0.14069/6415/161 15/1664009 $23.85
0.15625/3212 1/1664010 $20.85
0.171911/641 1/162 1/864011 $28.40

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